boot problem data recovery

Dell inspiron does not boot

This dell inspiron only boot until it the log in / password screen and then it would automatically shut down and reboot.

It was a serious problem with the Windows Vista system files. Fortunatelly we could recover all the important files and reinstall the OS.

If you need help with a computer that is not booting. ?Do not hesitate to contact /e/

boot problem

Nec Lavie LN300AD1 strange noise (solved)

This computer was making a strange noise after pressing the start button also Windows is not booting. Our staff quickly identified the problem, it was related to Windows system files corruption and a hard disk malfunction. We fixed all hardware and OS troubles, now the laptop is ready for many more years of use. ?For more information and professional help please visit /e/

boot problem

PC will not boot, unknown reason

This computer was working fine and suddenly stopped working and a continuous beep could be heard. We check several components including the cell on the motherboard until we find the cause of this problem and the computer boots normally. No parts were required this time and the customer can continue to use his PC normally.

boot problem

Acer laptop does not boot

This Acer laptop bought in Hong Kong one year ago does not boot. It doesn’t start up even in safe mode. We get the blue screen with error 0x0000007E and 0x0000007B. After a thorough check we find out that it has got unrecoverable file damage. First we save all important data, after that we reinstall windows and put the saved files back into the system. For more information visit