black screen boot problem

No power on NEC MATE


Problem: this PC was working fine but after the weekend when our customer tried to turn it on, nothing happened.

PC fix: we went on site to find out why the PC did not boot. We quickly found the cause of the power problem and fixed this NEC mate for our customer without loosing any data.

Please contact LoreaTec if there is no power on your PC.

black screen boot problem

Fujitsu Biblo MG70H Black Screen Repair

This Fujitsu Biblo does not book. After pressing the on button the fan starts at full speed and it does not stop also the screen is completely black.

We quickly identified the cause of this problem that is common on many laptops and desktops.

Now the PC is booting properly and our customer did not loose any data.

Please contact LoreaTec if you have a PC with black screen trouble.


black screen boot problem

PC not booting

When you plug the power connector to this Toshiba PC the power led turns on but when after pressing the power button nothing happens. There is no noise and the screen is completely black.

We have found a memory problem and in this case it is not necessary to change any parts. Our customer could bring the working PC back home in only 30 minutes. Please contact LoreaTec PC boot problems.


black screen

Inverter exchange – Nec Laptop screen

If your screen suddenly becomes very dim. It means that either the inverter or the?back light?are broken. If this is the cause of your problem, you can still see a very dim image on the monitor if you look carefully.

Normally this kind of repair is very expensive, but our customer was very happy with our affordable repair price and free diagnostic. We replaced the inverter and now the screen is working fine again.

For more information about screen troubles do not hesitate to contact