boot problem windows freeze

HP Pavilion freezes, does not boot

This HP Pavilion has got a serious problem. Sometimes it can not boot and power stops. Other times it boots an after a few seconds windows freezes and the image on the screen gets distorted.

We quickly identified the PC hardware problem and fixed it for our customer.

Do not hesitate to contact LoreaTec If you have a computer boot problem or PC freeze problem.


boot problem

Vertical Lines and strange character on Sony Vaio

This Sony Vaio Laptop has vertical lines on the Logo screen and also strange characters appear after a while. Windows does not boot. ?The problem has been going on for a few weeks and our customer needed a diagnostic.

We found the cause for the vertical lines and pc not booting and explained everything to our customer. If you have a boot problem please contact us and we will help you with your PC.


boot problem Power problem

No power on PC

We have a new repair order today about a PC that does not boot and nothing happens when you press the on button.

When you plug the power cable to your laptop a light will be turned on meaning that the power supply is plugged there is usually another led that indicates battery charge status.

If you do not see any of those LEDs blinking or ON when you plug the power supply to your laptop it means that you have a power problem.

There could be many causes to that problem. Today it was a bad connection on the mother board power connector. As you plug and unplug then mother board connector gets loose and sometimes breaks or does not make a good connection.

To fix this problem we usually can solder the connector back to the mother board. Many companies will refuse this kind of repair because they can not provide soldering services and because of the difficulty to reach the power connector on the mother board. We fixed this power problem within one our and our customer can use the PC again.

Please contact LoreaTec for more information about boot problem repairs.

start up trouble

Toshiba Qosmio not booting

Toshiba Qosmio is a popular laptop with digital TV tuner and high quality speakers. In the beginning the laptop would freeze during start up and strange lines appeared on the screen. After a few days the power lights would turn on but the laptop is not booting any more.

We found a mother board related trouble and fixed it. This is a common problem and replacement of broken parts is necessary to fix it.

If your Toshiba Qosmio has boot problems do not hesitate to contact

boot problem

PC will not boot, unknown reason

This computer was working fine and suddenly stopped working and a continuous beep could be heard. We check several components including the cell on the motherboard until we find the cause of this problem and the computer boots normally. No parts were required this time and the customer can continue to use his PC normally.