boot problem windows freeze

Dell Studio Boot Problem

We received today a Dell studio laptop that was not booting. The laptop had not been used for more than 3 months because of the boot problem. Windows loads but then there is a black screen with the mouse pointer, you can move the mouse but nothing happens.

We?quickly?found the problem that was related to one Antivirus software. Our customer could get the laptop back in about 30 minutes for a very low fee, as always in LoreaTec. Please contact us if you want to fix a pc boot problem for the lowest fee in Japan.

boot problem windows freeze

HP Pavilion freezes, does not boot

This HP Pavilion has got a serious problem. Sometimes it can not boot and power stops. Other times it boots an after a few seconds windows freezes and the image on the screen gets distorted.

We quickly identified the PC hardware problem and fixed it for our customer.

Do not hesitate to contact LoreaTec If you have a computer boot problem or PC freeze problem.


windows freeze

Laptop reboots when you move it

This sony vaio laptop will reboot or freeze when moving the laptop even very slightly. ?The laptop works ok when it is on the table but if you lift it or move it sideways the mouse will freeze or it will reboot automatically.

In this case the problem was a hardware trouble that we found and solved for our customer. For more information about PC repair please visit /e/