keyboard password recovery

NEC ll750BS keyboard problem


Our customer brought this NEC laptop to our office in Kawaguchi, Saitama because first she could not log into Windows. At the log in screen the password was always wrong.

Even after reinstalling windows it does not work well. We found that the keyboard of this laptop is broken and one key is pressed permanently. Because of that the laptop does not work well. However in this case we can fix the keyboard without replacing it as only one none important key is broken.

Please contact LoreaTec to fix keyboard or any other PC troubles.

password recovery

Forgot log in password in Windows 7

If you forgot your log in password for Windows 7, Windows 7, Windows XP or any other windows version we help you recover or delete the password so that you can access your computer.

Our customer today did not know the password of her Windows 7 toshiba laptop. She wanted to get rid of the password without changing anything else to the computer and keeping al the data safe. We quickly helped her so that she could access the computer keeping all the data.

Appart of log in passwords we can also remove passwords from word and excell documents, zip files and many other files.

If you need to get rid of a password please order it from

password recovery

Suddenly Windows asks for password

This dual core NEC computer with windows vista suddenly started asking for a password and the customer could not log in. We fixed this problem in 40 minutes. Now our customer can log in and all her information has been saved.