water spill repair

Samsung Galaxy Tab Water Spill

This galaxy tablet was not working at all. The tablet had been submerged in water for more than 30 minutes. This is a common accident and we can often recover laptops and mobile phones that have been submerged in water or water was spilled over them.

If you spilled water on your phone I recommend you contact a professional service such LoreaTec and avoid trying to boot the phone. This is important because you may create a short and break the device beyond repair if you try to boot is while it has water impurities inside.

Please contact Loreatec for for more information about mobile phone water spill repair.

mobile phone repair

Mobile Phone and Tablet Repair

We have launched a mobile phone and tablet pc repair service. Many people are using more advanced and expensive smartphones and they do not want to throw them away just because a small part breaks.

As mobile phones gain in power and offer you new functions, setting up the phone to take advantage of all those services becomes more difficult so we are also offering a set up and configuration service to help you when you are in trouble.

For more information about mobile phone repair and set up please visit /e/keitai.php