boot problem data recovery

Recover data from a PC that does not boot (HP desktop)

Our customer has a HP desktop that is not booting. After pressing the power burton the light of the power supply goes off and it does not boot.

We went on site to the customer’s place in the Tokyo area to extract the hard drive and get the important files for our customer.

If you need to get data from a PC please contact LoreaTec for the best service.


black screen boot problem

Fujitsu Biblo MG70H Black Screen Repair

This Fujitsu Biblo does not book. After pressing the on button the fan starts at full speed and it does not stop also the screen is completely black.

We quickly identified the cause of this problem that is common on many laptops and desktops.

Now the PC is booting properly and our customer did not loose any data.

Please contact LoreaTec if you have a PC with black screen trouble.


boot problem

Epson endeavor boot problem

Our customer brought this Epson Endeavor to our office because it is not booting properly. After the welcome screen the desktop appears but nothing happens when you move the mouse. This is a common hardware problem and we could fix it without change it any part.

Please contact LoreaTec for Espon PCs or any other brand boot problems.

boot problem mac

Intel iMac black screen and not booting

Our customer brought today this Intel iMac because it does not boot. After pressing the on button nothing happens just a black screen. We identified the hardware problem that is causing this problem and the problem is solved now without parts replacement.

If your iMac is not booting or you have a black screen please contact LoreaTec for professional and affordable repairs.

boot problem windows freeze

Dell Studio Boot Problem

We received today a Dell studio laptop that was not booting. The laptop had not been used for more than 3 months because of the boot problem. Windows loads but then there is a black screen with the mouse pointer, you can move the mouse but nothing happens.

We?quickly?found the problem that was related to one Antivirus software. Our customer could get the laptop back in about 30 minutes for a very low fee, as always in LoreaTec. Please contact us if you want to fix a pc boot problem for the lowest fee in Japan.