boot problem hard drive

NEC Lavie hard drive problem


Our customer brought this This NEC Lavie laptop to our office because it was not booting. After the diagnostic of this PC we found a problem on the hard drive.

Hard drive problems are very common so it is very important to have back ups of your valuable data. If you need help with the back up or if you want an automated backup solution for your company, do not hesitate to contact LoreaTec and we will design an affordable solution that adapts to your business.

After fixing the hard drive problem now the PC is working fine again.

We want to thank Honna for recommending us to his friend who brought this laptop to LoreaTec. If you have a PC trouble follow Honna’s advice and come to LoreaTec.






data recovery hard drive mac

iMac Hard Drive Trouble

Recently we are seeing many iMacs with broken hard drives. One reason could be a that when you move the screen you are also moving the hard drive. The hard drive has got plates that spin at a very high speed and if you move the computer while the hard drive is working you may break it.

Today we fixed a 24 inch Intel iMac for Honna Planning Office. It is a design company so a good performance of the computer and data integrity are very important.?The hard disk was failing after a few ours but the data could still be read so we replaced the hard drive and recovered the data from the old hard drive.

If you are having problems with your iMac such as very slow performance after a few ours or boot problems, do not hesitate to contact for a professional diagnostic and repair.

hard drive

What is is in the inside of a hard disk drive?

Hard disks are an essential part of our computers and all our precious data is stored in them. You may be curious to know how is the inside of a hard disk, so we have?disassembled?one for every one to see.

First it is very important to note that hard disks must have the right pressure to work properly. To achieve that, all hard disks have a small hole for pressure equalizing, of course the hole is protected with a filter so that impurities will not enter.

If we open the cover we will see several plates where the information is stored and the heads that moves over the plates to read and write the information. The speeds and acceleration of the plates can go up to 550G. ?That’s faster acceleration than any missile.

When a mechanical failure occurs the plates can be taken from the hard disk for data recovery. In this case a special clean room is needed, because if dust touches the plates it may not be possible to recover the data. In this case we were going to destroy the hard disk for our customer so dust did not matter.

For more information about data recovery, safe wiping data and hard disk destruction please visit

hard drive

Dell XPS doesn’t recognize hard drive

Japanese Dell XPS not loading

This Dell XPS does not boot. It stops at the message “Auto-Detecting 3rd Master..”. Because of the hard drive problem you cannot enter into the BIOS setup and also it does not eject the CD.?We found that it had a problem with the hard disk and quickly fixed it. For more information please visit