
slow pc and windows update problem

Windows update was not working on our customer’s Dell desktop. The speed was also very slow and it always took a long time to do anything on Windows. Sometimes windows update can be disabled by Virus or trojans, as they try to protect themselves they will disable all ways you have to erase them.

We fixed the windows update problem and the speed problem. For more information about PC issues, do not hesitate to contact us on /e/

data recovery raid

Data recovery from a raid 5 system

Data recovery from RAID file systems can be very challenging and a professional service is very important so that your data will not be compromised. Today we recovered data from three RAID 5 sata hard disks. It was a Windows Server 20003 that would not boot and data was critical for the company. We successfully recovered all data from the RAID 5 disks on the same day our customer could continue their business.

Depending on the damage, we can also attempt raid reconstruction and system recovery, so that you will not have to install the os again.

For more information on data recovery and raid data recovery please contact /e/

pc slow

Software and tools that promise to make your PC faster

There are many tools and software promising to increase the speed and performance of your PC. Most of them are a scam, if not worse.

First of all any software that is always loaded on start up will take resources from your computer and your computer will be slower as a result. Do not trust any software that loads on start up and promises a faster computer.

Some tools promise to free RAM memory, this is not true, Windows already has it’s own tools to manage memory and you do not need any external tool, the only thing you will get is less free memory as the new “false” tool is taking it’s part of the memory.

Some registry cleaners and temporary file cleaners may be OK, as long as they do not load every time you boot Windows. But be careful to install only well known software to avoid spyware scams.

To make your PC faster and fix slow computers or long loading times please contact


Simple and easy way to embed blog latest post on a different website

Many webmasters want to show their latest posts on their websites. If you have a blog and a separate website where you want to show your posts, this information may interest you.

There are a thousand different ways to embed the posts but a very simple way is to use Google Ajax Feed API. Just choose the style, write the name of your blog, press preview and you will get the code you have to copy to your site. ?It doesn’t get more simple. We are also using this system to show the new posts of this blog on and

If you need help to embed your blog on your site, or if you need a customized solution with a different style our programmers can help you. Visit /e/webservices.html for more information.

data recovery

Important data recovery from USB drive

We had to recover data from this USB flash drive. When plugged, Windows would not even recognize it and the folders where?inaccessible. We fixed the drive so that it could be used again and recovered all the important data.

Advice: if you delete important files, format your disk, or loose important data it is important that you power down the device and stop using?immediately. This is to avoid further damage and to avoid?overwriting?the data that you need to recover.

For more information about data recovery from flash drives or hard disk drives please visit /e/