
Fujitsu desktop dust cleaning

Computers always accumulate lots of dust near the fans. On desktop laptops it can be seen more easily but on laptops it is always in the inside of the heat sink, so it can not be seen unless you?disassemble??it. If the dust is not cleaned regularly a thick layer will form and the airflow will be interrupted. As a result the temperature of the pc will increase and performance will be lower. If the temperature increases too much, the computer will freeze or reboot. Also some components such as the hard disk or the CPU may break.

Today we thoroughly cleaned this desktop, applied new thermal grease to the CPU and completed a refurbishment treatment to speed up the PC. Also we installed more RAM memory and now it feels like a new PC. Contact us if you are interested in any of the services mentioned above.

hard drive

What is is in the inside of a hard disk drive?

Hard disks are an essential part of our computers and all our precious data is stored in them. You may be curious to know how is the inside of a hard disk, so we have?disassembled?one for every one to see.

First it is very important to note that hard disks must have the right pressure to work properly. To achieve that, all hard disks have a small hole for pressure equalizing, of course the hole is protected with a filter so that impurities will not enter.

If we open the cover we will see several plates where the information is stored and the heads that moves over the plates to read and write the information. The speeds and acceleration of the plates can go up to 550G. ?That’s faster acceleration than any missile.

When a mechanical failure occurs the plates can be taken from the hard disk for data recovery. In this case a special clean room is needed, because if dust touches the plates it may not be possible to recover the data. In this case we were going to destroy the hard disk for our customer so dust did not matter.

For more information about data recovery, safe wiping data and hard disk destruction please visit

boot problem

Nec Lavie LN300AD1 strange noise (solved)

This computer was making a strange noise after pressing the start button also Windows is not booting. Our staff quickly identified the problem, it was related to Windows system files corruption and a hard disk malfunction. We fixed all hardware and OS troubles, now the laptop is ready for many more years of use. ?For more information and professional help please visit /e/


UTF 8 error on php

Warning:?Cannot modify header information -?headers already sent by (output started at …

If you get this?error on a php file that uses UTF-8 encoding it is because your editor creates a signature at the beginning of the file to mark it as a UTF-8 file. Most UTF-8 compatible editors will create and hide this signature (windows notepad too) and you will not be able to see and delete it.?Fortunately?the solution is very simple, if you use Windows run cmd, and use the old DOS editor to edit your file. You will see a few strange characters at the beginning of the file that are creating all the troubles. Just delete those characters and save the file. Remember that if you edit the file again with notepad or other editor that generates the signature, you will have to delete it again.

For more information about programming services please visit?/e/webservices.html

boot problem

PC will not boot, unknown reason

This computer was working fine and suddenly stopped working and a continuous beep could be heard. We check several components including the cell on the motherboard until we find the cause of this problem and the computer boots normally. No parts were required this time and the customer can continue to use his PC normally.