
I didn’t know google did graphs! 面白い!

Search this in google, the power of mathematics:

sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200 x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(9-x^2), -sqrt(9-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5


sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200 x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(9-x^2), -sqrt(9-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5

data recovery mobile phone repair

SoftBank 830P repair and data recovery


We got this 830P from softbank for repair.

The phone does not turn on. Our customer does not care much about repair but he needs to recover the data.

In this case the easiest way to recover the data is to repair the phone.

We repaired this 830P phone and now our customer can access his contact list, pictures and other important data.

If you need to repair 830P phone in Japan please contact LoreaTec.

We can also repair SIM not recognized problems, bad sd card connectors, broken keypad and broken power connector on this 830P phone.

mobile phone repair

Add Japanese input language to Blackberry 9810

Our customer came brought this Blackberry 9810 from Canada to Japan, but it does not have Japanese input language.

Using a mobile phone in Japan without Japanese input is very inconvenient, and in this case it is not a simple task to add Japanese input to the Blackberry. Fortunately we could install the Japanese dictionary and now you our customer can choose between Japanese and English input. It is also possible to install other languages such as Corean, Chinese, Spanish, German, French…

Please contact our Smartphone repair unit in Japan to set up Japanese input in your blackberry.

mobile phone repair

iPhone 3G Volume Button Repair

iphone 3g volume button repair

We received this iPhone 3G by post for repair. The volume button fell and got lost and now it can not be used.

We repaired this iPhone by replacing the button and now it is working again.

Please contact LoreaTec iPhone repair service in Japan to fix your iPhone 3G lost volume button.

mobile phone repair

Softbank 923SH SIM socket repair

923sh sim socket repair

This 923SH SIM socket broke while removing the SIM card.

We replaced the socket and now the SIM card is working again without loosing any data. We still have a few sockets for the 923sh so if you need to repair this phone now is your chance with LoreaTec.

Please contact LoreaTec keitai repair in Japan for 923sh sim socket repair.